Kate Kelley
The Photo Angel
Reuniting Long Lost Photos With Families
Kate Kelley
The Photo Angel
Reuniting Long Lost Photos With Families

It all began with a pile of labeled photos of non-relatives that were mixed in with my grandparents’ old family pictures. Were they friends? Classmates? War buddies? Neighbors? I was determined to find out.
So I started poking around genealogy websites and BINGO! I immediately began connecting with relatives of the photographed. Now I’m hooked! I love to visit antique stores to thumb through their pictures in my quest to find those that are labeled so that I may return them to their family members. One woman affectionately dubbed me, “The Photo Angel” which was just so sweet.
The purpose of this project is to document success stories and inspire others to search their dusty attic boxes for photos with identifiable information and join in the fun! Happy Hunting!